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ADM - Astro-Dynamic
Manifestation If your intention is ...
to help persons who are worried about bad astrological forecasts
to go beyond that which astrologers tell you is possible according to your horoscope,
transcend the restrictions of the type of your personal destiny that "is written in the stars," ...
...Then ADM, or Astro-Dynamic Manifestation is the right thing for you!
In this case it is time for you to read on, because here you will become familiar with this extremely powerful technology, which helps you to achieve positive permanent change of your destiny and to go far beyond that type of destiny, which is "written in the stars!"
In fact, by now you can enjoy the benefits of the near-infinite potential of Astro-Dynamic Manifestation - ADM - and you certainly can set up Your Personal "Astrological Greenhouse!" In other words, you are no longer dependent on the whims of a "cosmic climate," which is defined by the planetary positions around you. Now you can define your own climate of cosmic-astrological energies, and you can do so with ease at all times!
In fact, it is obvious by now that with Astro-Dynamic Manifestation you can now take your destiny into the best possible hands, which are your own, of course !!! |
To learn more you can call us on Skype - chi.tec
If you're located within the US click here to order through paypal
There is a great opportunity for professional astrologers who would like
to help
people with this method of setting up astrological energy fields and make good money doing so!
To find out more about this exciting opportunity,
click here and email us !!
Leader in Life Energy Technology
Franz Anton Mesmer and Wilhelm Reich 150 years after Mesmer invented accumulators of life energy, which are devices that accumulate
life energy from the surroundings.
In 1991 Karl Hans Welz invented the Orgone Generator®, or Chi Generator®, which was the first
device on this planet that actually generates life energy. Soon afterwards, in 1992, he invented orgonite®, a new material to accumulate life energy, or orgone energy.
Then, in 2005, he developed a revolutionary
new technology that allows you to custom-design any astrological energy or combination of astrological energies
of your choice and to direct these energies towards yourself, towards
any person of your choice and into any location of your choice:
The technology of Astro-Dynamic Manifestation,
or ADM. The invention of the generator of life energy made possible the very effective ADM technology!
Yes!!! Now you can Video-Call us Online (no webcam needed), and
you can enter our online store and show-room, where you can see the
Chi Generator®
of your choice and there
you can find out from one of our specialists how
you can use this exciting new technology to set up "astrological greenhouses" for yourself and for others, and they tell you then
how you can set up continuous astrological energies and planetary affirmations, which are designed to help you and other persons achieve manifestation of
deepest desires and positive permanent change !!!
Now let's explore a specific scenario: You have an important decision to make. This can be a personal situation, for business, for relationships, or it may be a great opportunity, which presents itself to you and you do not exactly know how to handle it and when to act.
So you decide to go to an astrologer, who can tell you many important facts about your life such as basic skills, opportunities, character and your destiny in general. This interpretation includes things that are likely to happen in your life, what you should avoid, which direction may be the best one for you to go, your areas of success and your areas of potential failure. He or she tells you what to do and what better to avoid, etc. And then the astrologer can tell you what your fate has in store for you, based on which type of astrological trends are active at specific times and, based on this, you get valuable advice, where you can be successful and when. It is always good to know whether you should pursue something vigorously or whether it is better to diplomatically delay a decision for the time being. In fact, this is very valuable astrological advice, especially when connected with an accurate timing of the planetary aspects who are triggering these trends of your trends of destiny. You can adjust your actions to such insights and then you can improve your chances of success significantly.
Using astrology this way certainly offers you a great potential as compared to the person who does not have this valuable astrology-based information of future trends. On the other hand, although knowledge of future trends and adjusting your actions to such knowledge can be worth a fortune, you can have even more potential for success when you transcend the restrictions that are spelled out by astrological forecasts !!!
You can do this, because with the help of ADM - Astro-Dynamic Manifestation Techniquens - you are now capable of deciding yourself what type of trends you want to be active, and you can define the times when you want them to manifest and then you can use technology to surround yourself with precisely these astrological trend energies of your success, which are the best ones according to your own judgement. In this case, you will have made the first decisive step towards maximizing your success: There is no longer any need to adjust wisely to the restrictions and opportunities that are defined by the "astrological weather outside." This is so, because now you can control your destiny by generating the trends which you like in your very own "astrological greenhouse of astrological energies," so to say.
By now it is obvious that this exciting new method of managing your own astrological trend energies simply spells success !!!
Consequently, the power to achieve is yours now! This is so, because ...
... Now you can custom design the astrological
energies of your choice !!!
This compares to setting up the planetary climate of your choice in your own "astrological greenhouse."
importantly, to custom-design astrological energies of your choice,
you need not to be a professional astrologer at all !!! In fact, you can
enjoy the great advantages of this exciting new technology, even if
you have no traditional astrological training at all !!! All it
takes to set up effective trend energies for your success is the Quick Reference Sheet in the user manual, which contains
all the necessary key-words, with which you can easily formulate and
custom-design any astrological energy of your choice. Moreover, you can do that which nature never can do: you can custom-design astrological trend energies that naturally never occur! To refine your skills of custom-designing astrological trend energies, you can then study the free astrology course, which you can also download in .pdf format from www.akor.cc.
of finding out which energies are going to define your destiny, you
can now define the destiny that you want
To set up this extremely powerful energetic basis
for your success and positive permanent change
is as easy as 1-2-3 !!!
1. Using the Quick-Reference Sheet, define the astrological house that represents the
area of life experiences in which you intend to be successful. |
2. Then you define the astrological energies (planetary functions), which you want to be active in this area of life exeriences. For
instance, Jupiter brings expansion, Mars brings activity, etc. -
See below the meanings of the planets or, better, study the free
astrology course on line. |
3. Finally, you define the way in which you want to activate
these energies, i.e., the influence of the astrological signs upon
the planetary functions and upon areas of life experience, or astrological
houses. |
you custom-designed the desired astrological energy field, take the corresponding
cards and put them into the house disk or put the images of planets,
signs and houses into your ADM Program or into your Supermanifestation Program, then connect everything
with your Chi Generator® - see the setup below!

certainly is easy for you to get this extra power and energy
for your success !!! The example above is an astrological energy design for increase in prosperity.
Manifestation has been developed by Karl Hans Welz, the inventor of
the Chi Generator®,
a generator of life energy. With Astro Dynmaic Manifestation Techniques,
you can now optimize the energy field that surrounds
you, and you can do this at all times. In addition to this, you can use this exciting new technology
to custom-design and activate the most successful energy patterns in your home
and work place and to energize your food and drinks (with the AO 2400,
LPOG 2400 HD, RAD 5 or ATGS 3000). This extremely helpful new technology
is possible, because, using the Chi generator®, you actually can
generate the energies of any astrological house (area of life experience),
sign of the zodiac and planet (activity of your choice),
and you can
combine these energies,
power them up with life energy, and
project them over any distance either to
yourself, into your environment such as any room in your home and to
Click here to find out more about
the importance of life energy in any type of action at a distance and
trend management towards positive permanent change.
Below the same setup, sent at a distance, and here a "money drink" is prepared that can help you get ideas to increase prosperity.

Free Test! Now you can test ADM and custom-design any astrological energy of your choosing. |

Click here for more information about the Astro-Dynamic Manifestation Program
most modern day astrologers are happy with a simple interpretation
of the horoscopes of their clients and giving them advice of how to adjust to astrological trend energies, the ancients
knew very well of the power that they were capable of drawing from
the stars. Therefore, knowing of their personal skills and experiences,
they correctly pointed out that the “the wise rules the stars”.
Therefore, in the eyes of these ancient advisors, astrology was a lot more than just giving some advice of
how to adjust to the will of the planets. Therefore these ancient advisors who were infinitely more wise than many of their modern-age counterparts. It was truly "magic"
when they used their great wisdom and knowledge to harness the stellar and planetary
energies. Consequently, their clients were capable of
(1) Taking control of their attitudes, skills
and energy levels
(2) Having a powerful impact upon their surroundings, and
(3) Mastering their future and destiny.
Yes! With the Astro-Dynamic Manifestation programs, you too can have the power
of the "wise who rules the stars,"
and to do this is as easy for you as 1-2-3 !!!
Programs: The Manifestation
Program, the computer program for Astro Dynamic
Manifestation (ADM), and the
Super Manifestation Program for PC with its up to 22 positions,
timing functions and the potential of running as many programs simultaneously
as you wish. This latter program is your top of the line choice for ADM.
you are about to explore is a technology that is as revolutionary and
innovative as it is built upon ancient and time-honored knowledge.
this extraordinary new technology, i.e., by custom-designing which ones
of the powerful optimized energies of the stars will be active, you
can set for yourself the stage for positive permanent change,
and this can help you
to make your deepest dreams come true,
to take control of your environment, and
to help you manifest the success that you always wanted to have.
fact, as you are reading this material, you are about to gain direct
and first hand experience of the most powerful manifestation method
that exists, and, most importantly, you can test
its effectiveness right away, which will certainly provide you with
the evidence that you always wanted. |
Manifestation, or ADM, is the Art of Surrounding yourself with the Perfect
Astrological Energy to Assure your Success on all Levels.
This technology became possible as a result of the invention
of the Chi Generator® by Karl Hans Welz
you can have the power to achieve, because ...
Now you can custom design the astrological
energies of your choice,
and this is extremely easy for you!
1. Decide what you want and use the best success
strategy for results and for positive permanent change.
You can find good instructions about success strategies in the manual.
Example: getting opportunities and ideas that help
you increase business success.
2. Custom-design the appropriate astrological trend
using the quick reference sheet for houses, planets and signs.
In our example: the second house is for money, the tenth
house refers to your position in society and the eleventh house provides
you with ideas
about future projects. Put Venus in Taurus into the second house,
for financial comfort while you are developing new projects, put Mercury
in Virgo and and Uranus in Aquarius into the eleventh house, for intuitive
insights, and put Jupiter in Sagittarius into the tenth house to expand
and solidify your reputation.
Note: such a constellation never occurs naturally. Since
all you want here are results, you have the advantage to set up the
planetary constellations as they serve best your purposes.
3. Set up your equipment, carry the transfer
on you or set up your computer program and connect it with the Chi Generator®.
Below you can see such a setup using the transfer disk of the RAOPTC Transfer Combo that you can carry with you anywhere, since it is connected with the AO-device or any other Chigenerator® in your home. In this case, you custom design the astrological energy with your card set and you charge water with this energy. Of course you can add another transfer such as the TC 99 instead of the glass and carry the second part of this transfer with you.

Free Test! Now you can test ADM and custom-design any astrological energy of your choosing. |
below on the links of your choice to see more examples of how you can
use this extraordinary new technology for your benefit. Naturally,
there are infinite many more uses, many of which you certainly will
find and explore. |
Water, Drinks and Food.Water enhancement: optimize water, charge it with chi energy and with the astrological energy
of your choice |
the power of Herbs, Vitamins and Supplements, Cosmetics, etc. with Life
Force |
Plant Growth and Quality of Produce with Life Force: Agriculture, gardening,
house plants, lawn care, sprouting, etc. |
Pollution (electrosmog), DOR (deadly orgone energy), and Geopathic Stress
Zones |
care, reaction of pets to Chi energy, Chi Generators® to enhance aquariums |
can put yourself into any brain wave state that you choose to achieve
an abundance of energy, to experience a general well-being, and for physical
and emotional balance |
Energy to Boost Sports Performance, to have an edge in sports competition,
to influence individual sports competitors, for body building, martial
arts, etc. |
Energy for Fitness, Workout and Weight Control |
Energy for Success Strategies in Profession, Business and Money, financial
planning, career, and employment |
of ADM technology for business, office, management, to help affiliates
and employees, for customer support, public relations, to establish methods
that cause business to be more effective, for business consulting and
general manifestation of success |
technology for success in politics, people skills and to develop and project
leadership |
the Chi Generator® for Success in Legal Matters |
ADM technology to boost popularity, charisma and personal power of persuasion,
self confidence and convincing speech |
technology as a means to boost love relations and friendships, attract
friends and soul mates, and to cause relationships to break up |
the ADM technology for Family and Children |
Generators® and ADM technology for protection against attacks of any
kind and for clearings of attachments |
technology in your house and directed towards yourself to boost intellectual,
intuitive and creative skills |
Energy technology to boost psychic skills, meditation, esp, remote viewing,
etc. |
to boost gambling skills, stock market, betting |
the Chi Generator® and ADM technology to increase the success of
advertising and marketing. Using the Chi Generator® in your practice
of NLP. |
Energy and ADM technology for Success Strategies in gaming, playing games,
on line, in clubs and in private situations |
Horoscopes and astro-carto-graphy are things of the past - obsolete! |
Astroboost others: a potential source of income !!!
with Astro-Dynamic Manifestation,
you can now surround others with
Astrological Energy to Assure their Success.
you can help others
to have the power to achieve, because ...
Now you can custom design
the astrological
energies of your choice,
and this is extremely easy for you!
you have surrounded yourself with positive energy and know how to set
up and manage astrological trend energies, you can help others the same
fact, you can go much further than helping your friends and acquaintances
directly with your equipment. You can have fun while earning an additional
income by having others pay for your valuable services!
fact, you can
give personal advice,
give advice how to optimize a home or apartment, and
be a distributor for all products from BEC/HSCTI.
1. Decide
what energies you want to send to the person whom you are helping, and
be sure to develop the best success strategy that can help - more in
the manual - example: money and business.
Example: getting opportunities and ideas that help
improve prosperity and social standing.
2. Custom-design the appropriate astrological trend
using the quick reference sheet for houses, planets and signs.
In our example: the second house is for money, the tenth
house refers to your position in society and the eleventh house provides
you with ideas
about future projects. Put Venus in Taurus into the second house,
for financial comfort while you are developing new projects, put Mercury
in Virgo and and Uranus in aquarius into the eleventh house, for intuitive
insights, and put Jupiter in Sagittarius into the tenth house to expand
and solidify your reputation.
Note: such a constellation never occurs naturally. Since
all you want here are results, you have the advantage to set up the
planetary constellations as they serve best your purposes.
3. Set up your equipment, include a link to
the person: either a transfer to the person, a photo on the ADM disk
or an image and/or the name of the person in the "target"
position of your manifestation program or Supermanifestation program.
The program connects with the Chi Generator® by means of
the transfer diagram that acts as a structural link.
The setup using the set of ADM cards is of the same type as if you send
the energy to yourself. Below you can see the astrology setup
using the LPOG 2400 HD for extreme power applications, plus a setup
using the Manifestation program.

ADM to enhance your Environment !
ADM you can create your perfect environment
for success on all levels in your home and work place.
You can view such a setup as an "astrological greenhouse,"
which allows you to generate an astrological environment with
custom designed aspects that are the best possible trend energies
leading to your overall success and positive permanent change.
traditional Feng Shui practice, the living space is adjusted
to the existing energy field. This limits your choices, of course.
With ADM, you can now enhance your living space with the energies of
your choice, no matter what layout there is in the location that you
empower. Moreover, the totally free choices that you have when custom
designing combinations of astrological energies, i.e., houses, signs
and planets, will certainly provide you with infinite more choices than
the eight corners of Feng Shui. Consequently, you can use the full range
of your creative mind in the layout, design and arrangement of your
living space. Naturally, what you can do with ADM by far exceeds the few choices of traditional Feng Shui in flexibility and sheer power.
can either use several basic kits with JU 99 CE's and astrology packs,
one single device such as the ATGS 3000, into which you can put the
transfers at the desired locations, or you can use the Supermanifestation
Program. This program (see the image below) is especially powerful
when you combine it with the ATGS 3000 for large offices and for multiple
applications. Again, developing the most appropriate success strategies
and applying these strategies to your office space is a great advantage.
you can generate the best energetic environment have the power to achieve,
because ...
Now you can custom design the astrological
energies of your choice,
and this is extremely easy for you!
Below an example of how to energize an office using the


The CEG 1000
is an orgone shooter with capabilities, which are ideal for any purpose. For instance, you can point it at your astrological setup. Boost its power to the max, even to the extreme, with two additional Chi Generators®, each of which powers astrological energies! Then point the CEG 1000 to wherever you want these energies to be active! Click here and get additional info about this amazing new machine - You can also video call us for a demo! Also great to optimize water or food at a distance with the astrological and planetary powers of your choice!
Astrological energy / orgone / prana for agriculture,
plants, lawns
Chi generators® to boost artistic
inspiration with planetary creativity
With the help of Chi energy boosted astrological trends, you can get rid of unwanted attachments, demonic forces, spells

The PFC 2000
is an orgone generator® (Chi generator®), with which you can set the life force (chi energy, orgone) to precision frequencies of your choice, such as plaetary frequencies or frequencies of the signs of the zodiac. As you know, specific frequencies are also at the basis of specific modes of interaction with the environment: from somnambulistic-hypnotic states, deep meditation, all the way to persistence, stamina, precision, aggression in sports, charisma, etc. check out the frequency list in the manual, which you can find in www.akor.cc. Middle of the Line Power, works great in combination with the CEG 1000! Click here and get additional info about this amazing new machine - You can also video call us for a demo!
use Chi energy boosted astrological setups to achieve balance
brainwaves and Chi generators®
up bad relationships with the help of chi-boosted astrological trend energies projected by your advanced Chi generator® such as the PFC series or the performer (see below)
Chi generators® affirmations and manifestation software to help develop esp
and psychic skills
You can use Chi generators® combined with the astrological software plus affirmations, which are broadcast as life energy pulsations, to help enhance your business,
to generate a productive office atmosphere, and much more !!! The planetary frequencies are a great help!

The JU 1000
The JU 1000 provides life energy for your body and for your mind -- Above all, you can put yourself into any brain wave state by selecting a specific pulse frequency of your life energy generator.
Theta 3.5 HZ -- for Super Learning, especially of Languages
Theta 6.3 Hz -- for Super
Learning and to Boost Memory
Alpha 7.83 Hz -- Earth Resonance!
For Invention, Creativity
Alpha 7.0 Hz -- to enhance
artistic inspiration, creativity
Alpha 10.0 Hz -- for Centering
Yourself and general purpose
Beta 14.1 Hz -- for Efficiency
in daily activities, mental and physical energy, fitness training
When the rotary switch is turned all the way to the right, you can use the right dial for continuous settings.
The dial to the right is for continuous
frequency settings, approx.
0.5 - 450 HzClick here and get additional info about this amazing Six-position machine - You can also video call us for a demo!
Use orgone boosted astrological energies with the goal of projecting more charisma, of being more outgoing, etc.
The magick of friendship - enhance it with the orgone generator® and manifestation software
Boost gambling odds with affirmations, manifestation software, business-like approach and Orgone technology
Counteract consequences of electromagnetic pollution,

The LPOG 2400 DL
is a Middle
of the Line Chi Generator®, with beamer plate, silver tubing output,
transfer couple TC 99, built-in voltage regulator for precision of the frequencies, ready to use. The LPOG 2400 DL has 6 low pulse frequencies,
plus the option of continuous settings (see above the JU 1000). More than double the power
of the JU 1000. Increase its power with the PBT
2400 Power Booster with Transfer Disk.
Click here and get additional info about this amazing six-frequency machine - You can also video call us for a demo!
astrologically boost the effects of herbs, supplements, etc., with the help of orgone technology
Use orgone boosted astrological setups to help you win in sports competitions
more energy with the help of your Chi generator® and orgonite®
orgone energy and astrological "greenhouses" around your business cards, etc., to draw new customers

The LPOG 2400 HD
Top of the Line Orgone (Chi) Generator®, beamer
plate, silver tubing output, stick pad, transfer
couple TC 99, built-in voltage regulator, ready to use. The LPOG 2400 DL has 6 low pulse frequencies,
plus the option of continuous settings. More than three times the power
of the LPOG 2400 DL. Add to its power with the PBT
2400 Power Booster with Transfer Disk. and/or by adding exterior frequencies by way of the "input EPU" jack. Click here and get additional info about this extra powerful chi boosted machine - You can also video call us for a demo!
use orgone generators® in combination with astrological setups to boost intelligence and intuition
How to use the orgone generator® combines with astrology to help in lawsuits
You can use the orgone generator® boosted astrological setup as a decisive help in relationships and love

The Performer
An HD orgone generator®, affirmations and precision frequencies of your choice and a great selection of 12 pre-set frequencies for performance - It is Super Heavy Duty, therefore great for multiple astrological operations! Click here and get additional info about this extra powerful machine to boost performance on all levels - You can also video call us for a demo!
The astrological approach to marketing boosted with orgone generators®, astro-vision boards, etc.
Use the chi generator® to block attempts of mind
The astro-boost approach to money

The RAD 5
Very popular top of the line orgone generator®. You can combine astrologiy with corresponding precision frequencies on five positions, which are ideal for very effective work: Basic action, trend, trend in the environment, target and alternate target. Great for complex operations as well as protection - and all simultaneously. Click here and get additional info about the RAD 5 and its use for very powerful work on all levels - You can also video call us for a demo!
Manifestation technology based on astrology for musical creativity and success
One of the most powerful astrological tools in politics
popularity with the help of the orgone generator®, astrological settings, affirmations, etc.

The ATG 12
Top of the line Device with 12 orgone generators® in the ring, ideal to set up any astrological trend energy that you desire. This is the top of the line "astrological greenhouse" in which astrological settings help decisively in achieving the desired outcome of your operations. Also great for complex work on multiple targets as well as protection - and all this you can do simultaneously. Click here and get additional info about the ATG 12 and its use for very powerful astrological work on all levels - You can also video call us for a demo!
You can use the orgone generator® to astro-boost your profession and career
How to help relationships with astrological orgonite technology
all about speed-learning
You can use the orgone generator® in sports: to help you boost performance, to have an impact upon opponents, and much more

The AO 2000
want to make charged water? The AO 2000 is the ideal machine for this! Moreover, you can produce drinking water for protection and to ward off negativity. Earth Frequency of 7.83 Hz. Naturally you can charge this water with astrological trend energies. Click here and get additional info about the AO 2000 and its use for optimization of water - You can also video call us for a demo!
Orgone technology to boost supplements astrologically
Orgone generators® and astrology for weight control

The AO 1100
Not quite as powerful as the AO 2000, with floating frequency, and you can use it the same way as the AO 2000. Great starter device and like the AO 2000 the AO 1100 too can be used universally. Click here and get additional info about the AO 1100 and its use for optimization of water - You can also video call us for a demo!

The ADM software
whenever your intention is ...
to help persons who are worried about bad astrological forecasts
to go beyond that which astrologers tell you is possible according to your horoscope,
transcend the restrictions of the type of your personal destiny that "is written in the stars," ...
...Then ADM, or Astro-Dynamic Manifestation is right for you!
In fact, by now you can gain the benefits of the near-infinite potential of Astro-Dynamic Manifestation - ADM - and you certainly can set up Your Personal "Astrological Greenhouse!" In other words, you are no longer dependent on the whims of a "cosmic climate" of the planetary positions around you. This is so, because by now you can define your own climate of cosmic-astrological energies, and you can do so with ease at all times!
In fact, it is obvious by now that with Astro-Dynamic Manifestation you certainly can take your destiny into the best possible hands: your own !!! Click here and get additional info about this amazing software - You can also video call us for a demo!

The Supermanifestation Software
This extraordinary software offers you the ultimate flexibility! In fact, its unique design allows
you to emulate any manifestation program on the market, be it, radionic, miracle,
spiritual, magical, etc.
Therefore, the Super
Manifestation™ Program is exciting new technology that is specifically designed for you so
that you have the most powerful and versatile tool to achieve TOTAL
fact, this extraordinary and powerful technology of manifestation upon
which you are about to embark was the result of a thorough understanding
of ancient knowledge in the light of modern science. This ancient knowledge
can now be explained with ease in the light of the new science of orgone physics,
or the physics of life force: By now we know that actions at a distance
resulting in influences upon nature and human beings, or trends of destiny,
are the result of the properties of life force: namely of negative entropy (reversed entropy) and
direct transfer at any distance. Click here and get additional info about this extremely versatile software and its use for astrological work - You can also video call us for a demo!

Basic Manifestation Software
Using life energy for manifestation purposes is an advanced method of this technology. This extremely versatile new method evolved as a result of the capability to "solidify" the structural connections that you can establish with your inherent powers of abstraction, and it is exactly this capability to solidify the abstractions of your desires, which helps you achieve positive permanent solutions and change.
This means that you can harness continuous
power driving towards the results that you programmed
into your computer. This continuous flow of life energy is made
possible with a special structural link that connects your Chi Generator®,
the Manifestation Program™ and the target of your operation:
To make this possible, each program comes with a fully individualized
transfer card and the corresponding file on your program that connect
your life energy generator directly with
the functions in your manifestation program™. Click here and get additional info about the Basic Manifestation Program and its use for astrological setups - You can also video call us for a demo! |