The Site of Karl Hans Welz, the Inventor of the Chi Generator®, Orgonite® and Orgone Radionics™ Hyper
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ADM technology for protection against attacks of any kind and for clearings of attachments |
ADM technology is the ideal tools for any type protective work, and this includes the removal of attachments, clearing of person and houses, de-cursing, defense against attacks, reversal of attacks and to counteract the impact destructive thought forms and of negativity in general. You can prevent or block destructive work of others and you can use the equipment for outright attacks in situations where such action is needed. In all, this type work covers a wide field of applications. This is so, because people are increasingly leaning towards influencing the outcome of many situations with the help of spiritual means without considering negative impact or consequences. In fact, it certainly is a good idea to get familiar with effective technologies of defense before your worst enemies do so. Such pre-emptive action is exceedingly important in sections of the population and in countries where traditionally spiritual or shamanic work is an accepted method of getting desired results. 1.
De cursing The actual strength of your equipment is a crucial factor in these operations. In fact, whenever the skills of opponents being the same, the strongest equipment will prevail most of the time. In other cases, strong equipment can successfully block skilled impact more readily. In some situations of projected negativity -or magical attack - a powerful device is the best protection. |