World Leader in Life Energy Technology
The Site of Karl Hans Welz, Inventor of the
Chi Generator®, Orgonite®,
Orgone Radionics™,
and much more!

HSCTI - Hyper Space Communications and Technologies International, Atlanta, USA
BEC - Bio Energy Corporation - Budapest, Hungary

AstroBoost your Future with the new technology of

Astro-Dynamic Manifestation™ (ADM)

Now you can energize yourself and your living space

+1 770 783 0563
How ADM works: science of Life Energy and astrology
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What ADM can do for You: Examples, Applications

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The following applications of this extremely useful and powerful new technology are based on personal experiences of many proud owners of Chi Generators®, ADM technology and Manifestation Programs.

Click below on the links of your choice for more information.  Naturally, there are infinite many more uses, many of which you certainly will find and explore.

Optimize Water, Drinks and Food.Water enhancement: optimize water, charge it with chi energy and with the astrological energy of your choice
Enhance the power of Herbs, Vitamins and Supplements, Cosmetics, etc. with Life Force
Enhance Plant Growth and Quality of Produce with Life Force: Agriculture, gardening, house plants, lawn care, sprouting, etc.
EMF Pollution (electrosmog), DOR (deadly orgone energy), and Geopathic Stress Zones
Pet care, reaction of pets to Chi energy, Chi Generators® to enhance aquariums
You can put yourself into any brain wave state that you choose to achieve an abundance of energy, to experience a general well-being, and for physical and emotional balance
Chi Energy to Boost Sports Performance, to have an edge in sports competition, to influence individual sports competitors, for body building, martial arts, etc.
Chi Energy for Fitness, Workout and Weight Control
Chi Energy for Success Strategies in Profession, Business and Money, financial planning, career, and employment
Applications of ADM technology for business, office, management, to help affiliates and employees, for customer support, public relations, to establish methods that cause business to be more effective, for business consulting and general manifestation of success
ADM technology for success in politics, people skills and to develop and project leadership
Using the Chi Generator® for Success in Legal Matters
Using ADM technology to boost popularity, charisma and personal power of persuasion, self confidence and convincing speech
ADM technology as a means to boost love relations and friendships, attract friends and soul mates, and to cause relationships to break up
Using the ADM technology for Family and Children
Chi Generators® and ADM technology for protection against attacks of any kind and for clearings of attachments
ADM technology in your house and directed towards yourself to boost intellectual, intuitive and creative skills
Chi Energy technology to boost psychic skills, meditation, esp, remote viewing, etc.
How to boost gambling skills, stock market, betting

Using the Chi Generator® and ADM technology to increase the success of advertising and marketing. Using the Chi Generator® in your practice of NLP.

Chi Energy and ADM technology for Success Strategies in gaming, playing games, on line, in clubs and in private situations
Relocation Horoscopes and astro-carto-graphy are things of the past - obsolete!

astrology for sports

Click here for more information about the Astro-Dynamic Manifestation Program

How and why astrology works is well known: The astrological horoscope shows the planetary positions at the time and place of birth of a person.  Based on this astrological birth chart, the astrologer can make statements about the individual for which this chart was calculated. 

Furthermore, the astrologer can see and predict trends and events of the future, when comparing the birth horoscope of an individual with the (calculated) planetary positions that will be active during any given time span in the future.  Based on this comparison, the astrologer can then tell what forces of destiny are acting upon the person during the time for which the positions have been calculated in advance.  Such calculations are also called "future transits" or "transit horoscopes."

In fact, KNOWING ahead the structure of the cosmic-astrological environment, which can be gained by comparing the positions of the planets in the signs during any given time in the future with the birth horoscope of a person, allows the professional astrologer to predict very precisely what the future has to offer: when success is likely to occur and the times when difficulties or even failure are indicated.

Based on this knowledge, the astrologer can give extremely valualbe information: the times when it is good to go ahead with a desired plan of action and the times when it is more advantageous to diplomatically delay everything. In fact, such methods have been used to establish RELOCATION HOROSCOPES. These are horoscopes that have the astrological houses (fields of life experiences) as their basis as they are valid for the place where you live and act. To install the desired astrological factors into the environment wherever you are is naturally easier than to relocate.

We know that the astrological houses represent areas of life experiences, and as such the astrological houses are related to the influences of the Sun signs.

Most importantly, the system of astrological houses surrounds you wherever you are: It makes up the fabric of your environment.

The point in the East is called “ascendant”. It is the beginning (the astrologer calls it “cusp”) of the first house, and it relates to yourself and the way you express your personality.

Go 30 degrees towards the North, and you are in your second house, which relates to your finances, etc.

astrological mundane housesNow, while most modern day astrologers are happy with interpreting the horoscopes of their clients and giving them advice, the ancients knew very well of the power that they were capable of drawing from the stars. Therefore, knowing of their personal skills and experiences, they correctly pointed out the “the wise rules the stars”. Astrology, for them, was a lot more than just calculating planetary positions in advance and giving some advice of how to adjust to the will of the planets. For them, astrological work was truly "magic," whenever they used their knowledge to harness the stellar and planetary energies. Consequently, their clients were capable of

(1) Taking control of their attitudes, skills and energy levels
(2) Having a powerful impact upon their surroundings, and
(3) Mastering their future and destiny.

Free Test!  Now you can test ADM and custom-design any astrological energy of your choosing.

Now think about this …

Before you make this extremely important decision to change your luck and life, to begin to use this new method of Astro-Dynamic Manifestation and to harness the unlimited energy of the planets to help you achieve secured success and decisive positive permanent solutions, you can now examine thoroughly your innermost desires and ask yourself a few key questions:

1. Do other people envy you? Or do you envy others?
2. Do other people want to be like you? Or do you wish you were living other peoples’ lives?
3. Are others in awe of you? Do they puzzle at your meteoric rise to the top as much as they wonder about your success, accomplishment and amazingly good fortune? Or is it perhaps the other way around?

Now, here you can see a list of some of these exciting good things that most of us want:
The things you want to own
The money you want to acquire
The things you like to achieve
The exotic places you want to visit
The abilities you like to have
Good fortune at all times
The love you like to receive
Abundance on all levels
Achieve and maintain energy, balance, and peace
And much, much more…

Those who are familiar with astrology know very well that it is the power and influence of the signs and planets in the astrological houses that provide you with the necessary power and energy to succeed.

Your run off the mill friendly and well-meaning neighborhood astrologer usually can give you a satisfactory reading of your astrological chart, or horoscope, and he or she is limited to mere advice.

In fact, you know by now that already the astrologers of ancient times knew better, much better, and for that reason one of their most cherished and time-honored statements concerning their knowledge, art and science was that “The Wise Rules the Stars!” With this, of course, they meant much more than giving advice that was based on astrological chart interpretation. These famous words were always understood by them as their responsibility to generate one’s destiny by actually generating and using the influences of the stars, i.e., by generating inclinations and motivations for their clients with powerful methods of control and manipulation of the same astrological energies that they interpreted.

The average run off the mill modern astrologers naturally have not even the slightest idea that such a thing is possible. If they know about it indeed, rather than acting responsibly and helping their clients, they quite often brush it off as “evil magic,” not unlike that rather negative attitude against scientific discoveries that some churches show still in our otherwise enlightened times.

By now most certainly you can be far ahead of the astrologer who self-limits to giving advice only (i.e., the passive type of astrology) with the help of our cutting edge ADM technology. In fact, by now you can harness with ease this extremely active type of astrology, i.e., Astro-Dynamic Manifestation. This means that you can set up your Astro-Dynamic Manifestation equipment to help generate inclinations, motivations and trends for yourself, for others, and in your environment, and this is as easy as 1-2-3.

Most importantly, you need not to be an expert in astrology to gain this extremely powerful and effective command over stellar influences and to ultimately take control of your life and destiny. This is so, because we have already done this time consuming and tedious work for you: You can choose from a selection of hundreds of stellar influences that are custom tailored to your needs and, either as astrological filter packs or as image files in the ADM-Manifestation computer program, and therefore it is easy for you to harness any astrological influence that you see fit towards helping you generate the success that you deserve and the energy that you need.

The influences of the astrological HOUSES

First House:  Personal and self-related affairs and characteristics, self-expression in the environment, physical body, general disposition.

Second House:  Personal possessions and security on the material and spiritual levels, money.

Third House:  Relations to those who are close by circumstances, neighbors, siblings, close kinship, etc., first education, adaptive thinking, adaptation to close environment, short travel, direct communication.

Fourth House:  Home, private life, real estate, family, buildings

Fifth House:  Creativity, love affairs, sports, gambling, children.

Sixth House:  Services given and received, health, hygiene, analytical thinking, work.

Seventh House:  Partnerships at a personal level, marriage, business partnerships, associates

Eighth House:  Shared resources, inheritance, self-sacrifice, stock market.

Ninth House:  Higher education, foreign countries, foreign travel, extensive research, philosophical thinking, religion, publishing.

Tenth House:  Social position, profession, ambition, special talent, career, practicality, pragmatic attitude.

Eleventh House:  Team work, group activity, friendships, clubs, objectives, impermanent attachments, plans, projects

Twelfth House:  Freedom from restrictions, inspirational thinking, limitations, isolation, solitude, the unconscious, that which is hidden.

The next important factor in astrology is the planets, which represent inclination, motivation, and action, or effect.

Functions of the PLANETS

Sun:  Projection of individuality and self, to express oneself

Moon:  Letting emotions known – getting attached emotionally – to respond emotionally

Mercury:  Communication skills, mental abilities, movement, commercial skills

Venus:  Relating to others, awareness and creation of harmony and beauty

Mars:  Movement, activation and initiating

Jupiter:  Expansion and outreaching, maturing and experiencing in the widest possible scope

Saturn:  Control, limitations, restrictions for a purpose and discipline
Uranus: Innovation, invention, sudden changes, intuition

Neptune:  Refinement, probing below the surface, inspiration, transcendence

Pluto:  Elimination and replacement, transformation, regeneration, minimum effort for maximum effect.

The Modifying Powers of the SIGNS

Aries: assertive, with urgency, confidence and prompt action, attitude of being

Taurus: possessive, desire to dominate, with endurance, attitude of owning

Gemini: versatile, variable and adjustable, attitude of thinking

Cancer: sensitive, protective, defensive, attitude of feeling

Leo: creative, impressive and seeking admiration, attitude of resolving

Virgo: analytical, logical and critical, attitude of examining

Libra: harmonizing, combining, relating, attitude of balancing

Scorpio: concentrating, secretive, with intensity, attitude of desiring

Sagittarius: overcoming impediments, reaching out, attitude of seeing

Capricorn: avoiding error, prudence, reservedness, attitude of using

Aquarius: indifference, unconventionality, impartiality, attitude of knowing

Pisces: receptiveness, impressionable, intuitive, attitude of believing

To get a more thorough understanding of astrology, you can study the free astrology course.

The following applications of this extremely useful and powerful new technology are based on personal experiences of many proud owners of Chi Generators®, ADM technology and Manifestation Programs.

Click below on the links of your choice for more information.  Naturally, there are infinite many more uses, many of which you certainly will find and explore.

Optimize Water, Drinks and Food.Water enhancement: optimize water, charge it with chi energy and with the astrological energy of your choice
Enhance the power of Herbs, Vitamins and Supplements, Cosmetics, etc. with Life Force
Enhance Plant Growth and Quality of Produce with Life Force: Agriculture, gardening, house plants, lawn care, sprouting, etc.
EMF Pollution (electrosmog), DOR (deadly orgone energy), and Geopathic Stress Zones
Pet care, reaction of pets to Chi energy, Chi Generators® to enhance aquariums
You can put yourself into any brain wave state that you choose to achieve an abundance of energy, to experience a general well-being, and for physical and emotional balance
Chi Energy to Boost Sports Performance, to have an edge in sports competition, to influence individual sports competitors, for body building, martial arts, etc.
Chi Energy for Fitness, Workout and Weight Control
Chi Energy for Success Strategies in Profession, Business and Money, financial planning, career, and employment
Applications of ADM technology for business, office, management, to help affiliates and employees, for customer support, public relations, to establish methods that cause business to be more effective, for business consulting and general manifestation of success
ADM technology for success in politics, people skills and to develop and project leadership
Using the Chi Generator® for Success in Legal Matters
Using ADM technology to boost popularity, charisma and personal power of persuasion, self confidence and convincing speech
ADM technology as a means to boost love relations and friendships, attract friends and soul mates, and to cause relationships to break up
Using the ADM technology for Family and Children
Chi Generators® and ADM technology for protection against attacks of any kind and for clearings of attachments
ADM technology in your house and directed towards yourself to boost intellectual, intuitive and creative skills
Chi Energy technology to boost psychic skills, meditation, esp, remote viewing, etc.
How to boost gambling skills, stock market, betting

Using the Chi Generator® and ADM technology to increase the success of advertising and marketing. Using the Chi Generator® in your practice of NLP.

Chi Energy and ADM technology for Success Strategies in gaming, playing games, on line, in clubs and in private situations
Relocation Horoscopes and astro-carto-graphy are things of the past - obsolete!

Astrology and Your Environment and how to
re-design your astrological environment
to achieve positive permanent change

The system of fields of life experience (the astrological houses) is active in your home or apartment at all times, and it is active in all places where you are. In other words: the system of astrological houses (fields of life experience) surrounds you wherever you are, and these houses are influenced by the signs of the zodiac and planets as they wander through each house every day. How you decide to relate to this environment is your choice, of course. Most people are accepting the influences of astrological factors as they come towards them, i.e., they accept everything, astrological mundane housesgood and bad luck as “destiny” without appropriate action on their own, and most of the time they are not even aware of what is going on energetically. People who use astrology to know the nature of these influences ahead of time can adjust to them accordingly. A much better choice for you is to set up and modify these astrological energies so thatthey produce the results that you desire and in doing so you can generate successful trends on every level. We have developed the Astro-Dynamic Manifestation Technologies exactly for this purpose.

The structure of the astrological houses (see above their meanings) gives you also a good explanation why most churches of traditional Christian religions such as the Orthodox, Catholic, Ethiopian and Coptic Churches have their altar in the East and the entrance in the West. And, having the “cross” as their basic design, there are two side altars, one North-East (spiritual and material possessions) and one South East (Team work, community). Look at the diagram on the left and you will realize that there is a simple explanation for that. A still more striking use of this astrology-based method are large churches with their intricate layout and strategic placement of altars and relics. The “Sagrada Familia” church in Barcelona, Spain, will boast a total of 12 towers when finished.

Enhance Your Environment with Astrological Energies

astrological mundane housesYou can do the same thing in a much more precise and effective manner, and you can do so by arranging around yourself the energies that you desire to manifest, and you can begin with this modification of your environment towards positive permanent change and success in your home and office, and by now you can use the Chi Generator® to boost the cosmic energies of your choice.  This is extremely powerful technology and, above all, it is as easy as 1-2-3!

For instance, you can arrange a desk with computer etc. that is important for business decisions in such a way that you face the North-Eastern direction of the cusp (beginning) of the second astrological house, which rules money. This is a very simple and easy-to-do arrangement to enhance the potential for financial success of this business. Add Jupiter and Moon energies to this desk and you have an astrological formula for success in your business!

An alternative is to incorporate the desk into the overall layout of the office or home (if you have a home office) in such a way that it is positioned into the second sector of this office, i.e., the energies of the second house.

If neither positioning is possible or if such positioning looks awkward, the solution is to use the Chi Generator® and to transfer second house energies (plus the planetary and zodiacal energies of your choice, which are desirable for the specific purpose) to this desk, no matter where in your home or office it is located, and this is the BIG advantage of the new technology of Astro-Dynamic Manifestation. More about this later.

Another example: A place where you have to be creative, for instance a desk for writing or composing or for working on innovative projects or a table in a laboratory where people have to be creative can be set up facing North-West, i.e., in the direction of the fifth astrological house for creativity, and moreover you can add other energies with the help of your Chi Generator®, such as the energies of the ninth house (mental explorations) and of one or more planets, i.e., influences which you can change from time to time in order to adjust to the specific projects that you pursue. While such change in planetary influences happens at all times as a result of the motion of the planets in the sky, using the Chi Generator® and ideally the Super Manifestation ProgramTM, you have now the power to set your own trends by defining specific planetary energies that match best your expectations. Again, a still more effective way is to put this table or desk into the North-West sector for creativity and to establish links to the desired planetary energies right there. These two examples, in a nutshell, give you a good idea of how you can use this extraordinary technology for your own benefit.

We repeat here: Astrology allows you to map out the influences of planets and signs at any given time for any given place and person. Knowledge of influences that lie ahead in the future, taking into account also the place, allows you the TIMING of any planned action by adjusting them to the optimal cosmic influences.

And, based on that, this exciting new technology of Astro-Dynamic Manifestation™ allows you to do much more than just predicting future trends.  Rather than waiting for the precise time to do something, you can now optimize the places where you live, sleep and work and adjust the desired influences to the place and time of your action.  You can do this by installing the energetic basis that can help you achieve your maximum success on all levels and at any time you desire.

We repeat here, as the basis for your further work
towards achieving positive permanent change:

astrological mundane houses1. We are surrounded by a complex field of cosmic energies at all times. The basis of this field is the system of the twelve astrological houses of 30 degrees each, which start with the ascendant (rising degree) in the East. Each of these houses relates to a specific area of life experiences.

2. How these areas of life experience are perceived and lived by us at any point in time is largely dependent on how this house system is influenced by cosmic energies coming from the twelve astrological signs and the planets, all of which move through these houses and which continuously change in their position.

3. Knowing the positions of planets and signs in the astrological houses (fields of life experiences) ahead of time allows the astrologer to give us a map of our future actions and destiny. Such knowledge is invaluable, since with its help we can know when it is wise to aggressively pursue an issue or when it is better to diplomatically hold back.

4. The field of cosmic energies (the astrological houses) is active in any place where we are, including our home or office.

5. By adapting the layout of your home or office you can now improve the chances of success of yur actions and it will make life more agreeable overall.

6. With technological means, i.e. the Chi Generator®, you can boost the impact, power and effect of the fields of life experience (houses) of your choice. Adding this extra power to the fields of life experience (astrological houses) of your choice became possible only with the invention of the Chi Generator®.

7. Most importantly, this extremely powerful and versatile new technology gives you additional means of taking control of your destiny, which were near impossible before.  Now you can do much more than to adapt the design of your home or office and the layout of your furniture to the basic structures of the cosmic energies of the astrological houses, with the first house in the East going counter clockwise house after house.   Now you can adapt the cosmic energies to the layout of your house or office, no matter how “problematic” such a layout is.  In other words: you decide which rooms and locations you use for what purpose and you transfer the cosmic energies that guarantee the best results to these locations.  You can see examples in the following. 

In addition to this, using this exciting new technology of the Chi Generator®, you can now power up any astrological house (area of life experiences) of your choice with well-selected planetary energies and modalities of zodiacal signs, thus maximizing the chances of success in this area.  This method compares to growing plants in a greenhouse that is independent of the exterior climate.  With this new technology, therefore, you have an “astrological greenhouse” that provides you with powerful tools to be successful also during the times when the cosmic factors alone (planets and signs) do not support success.  In fact, with this exciting new technology you are capable of generating effects of planets and signs that never happen naturally, thus adding a significant flexibility to the arsenal of your cosmic tools.

Practical Applications:

After this brief introduction, you can now proceed step by step, starting from very easy-to-do and equally effective methods to increasingly complex applications for very specialized uses. Ideally, you can take our introductory seminars over the Internet.

What you need:

As a basic equipment, you need an ADM kit, which is a specialty Chi Generator® with its basic accessories: a set of specially tuned transfer diagrams (filters) that represent the basic astrological energies: houses, signs and planets, and transfer couples of orgonite®, at least one for each room.  Still better is one Chi Generator® for each room.  Call us for specific help.

Later, when you will be familiar with methods of timing and specially timed lay outs, it will be best to add the Super Manifestation™ program and eventually you can begin to use the ATGS 3000, which is the top of the line tool for the expert who desires maximum success.

1. Make a design of your environments of your choice: home, office, etc.
2. Define the natural layout of the twelve sectors and determine the locations of strongest influence of the astrological houses.
3. Analyze your living space as is.
4. Consider re-arranging into the natural sectors – move furniture etc.
5. Instead of re-arranging (4.) you can use our powerful equiment, i.e., the Chi Generators® with accessories, and you can project cosmic energies (astrological houses, signs and planets) wherever you intend to send them, regardless of the original layout of the house.  This allows you to project the energies of a single astrological house into more than one locations, which is a significant advantage over “traditional” methods, especially when you are working on the energetic layout of an office or business.
6. You can modify the house energies with planetary energies and characteristics of signs of the zodiac.  For optimal use of this exciting new technology, you can ask the assistance and consultation services of a person who is tranined in ADM, or you can take a few classes yourself.

Example - Traditional Methods:

1. Bedroom – Here is an example of a bedroom, in which the bed is located in the sectors 2 and 3, sectors which are good for money and communications. The person who sleeps in such a bedroom has an inclination to be focused in these areas of life experience while asleep. This can be a great advantage for a person who has no romantic interests at all and who is intent on focusing in these areas even when asleep.

The bed is located in sectors 2 and 3
This is positive to get ideas for money and communications while asleep

Now, to get a bit more romantic, simply move the bed into sector 5

and, to get prophetic dreams, you can move the center of the bed into sector 9

In most cases the orientation of the room is not suited for an esthetic setup that simlutaneously matches your requirements for optimal energy. And that’s exactly where you can use the Astro-Dynamic Manifestation technology to project into the bed the energies that you desire.  In practically all cases, this is a much better solution than setting the bed awkwardly.  In addition to that, you can use the same Astro-dynamic method to change the energetic setup of your room and the space where you sleep (astrological houses) without needing to re-arrange the room every time you want to activate another astrological house (field of life experience) during your sleep.
Note: When you use a transfer diagram for an astrological house, with planets, etc., activation occurs whenever a person is in that room to pull those energies. When there is no person in the room, no transfer of energy occurs.

Alternative Method using the Chi Generator®


astrological mundane housesThe bed in this example is in a sector that is suited for communications and money.

To get romantic, instead of moving the bed, you can transfer the energies of the 5th house to that location. You can do this with a structural link such as a transfer disk that connects to a Chi Generator®, which also draws the energies of the 5th house.

For prophetic dreams, simply make a change on the generator and the energies of the 9th house will be transferred to the bed.

The Chi Generator® is in the center of a special energy structure (orgonite) that represents the 12 astrological houses, where the position of the transfer disk defines the energy that transfers to the bedroom.


astrological mundane housesThe transfer can be in the center of the bed, ideally under the mattress, as shown in the picture above. Alternatively, you can put the transfer in the center of the bedroom, by which method the room as a whole has the desired energy. If neither positioning is possible, other locations will do, provided they are at least 2 feet from a wall. The advantage of this Astro-Dynamic approach over a rigid house system or the static methods of Feng Shui is obvious. With this Astro-Dynamic approach, you can now change the basic energy of any location (in the example it was the bed room) without the need of moving the furniture (or, worse, rearrange the rooms in your apartment or house) every time you desire a change.

An Office:

astrological mundane housesThis is even more obvious in the example that follows, where we optimize Astro-Dynamically an L-shaped office. According to Feng Shui and other rigid-static teachings, such a layout is supposed to be entirely unsuitable. In fact, as we have seen in several cases, which we optimized with our Astro-Dynamic Manifestation methods using the Chi Generator®, such offices turned out to be significantly more efficient and successful than others that were rigidly arranged according to the strict rules of Feng Shui, which were designed originally for the simplistic needs of primitive civilizations of two to three thousand years ago.
This type of a small office is “impossible” for the traditional Feng Shui “masters” with their rigid requirements.

As an alternative, you can find a more modern and dynamic Feng Shui Method, which, like the Astro-Dynamic methods that we describe here, is possible because of the new technology of the Chi Generator®. When you limit yourself to the “traditional approach” of Feng Shui, even a well-chosen lay out misses important “directions” (energies).

If laid out the traditional way in the astrological house system, again very important sectors are missing. With the North-South direction as indicated, the office was missing the very important sectors of “personality”, finances and communications (houses 1 – 3), which naturally can led to failure in these areas, which are so important for any business. With the help of Astro-Dynamic ManifestationTM methods, the office was optimized. Of course there are solutions possible that differ from the one below. It all depends on the nature of the enterprise and in part also on the personal characteristics and desires of the CEO’s of the company.

astrological mundane housesWith our solution, the business that we supported became very effective and successful almost immediately.

The storage area was left to itself
The room with I and X (first and tenth houses), Jupiter and Saturn were energized to maximize effectiveness and success of the CEO
The room with V and XI (creativity, team work) to develop new projects – the office was for web design.
The room X with Moon and Pluto was for PR and advertising.
The room VI for management of the work force.
The room II and VIII for bookkeeping and money in general.

Whenever a room needs to serve another purpose, the appropriate energies can be induced at once without the need to re-arrange office furniture or moving into another office. You can modify the energies in a room in the same manner. For instance creativity and team work in room V – XI can get planetary energies and energies of signs that are optimal for a specific project, and they can be changed immediately whenever a new project is worked on.

astrological mundane housesLet’s repeat here the advantages of the Astro-Dynamic Manifestation setup:
(1) You can select a room or space in your apartment or office that fits best your purpose, and then you can transfer any astrological energy (fields of life experiences = astrological houses, planetary functions and modalities of the signs) of your choice into this space.
(2) You have your main focus (power transfer) on the sectors that you desire most, while giving less power to the sectors that do not serve your purpose for the time being (again, TIMING is important).
(3) Furthermore, you can omit sectors that you do not need entirely.

You can proceed as follows:
a) Make a design of room, apartment, and office.
b) Determine the areas in which you want to activate specific energies and define the energies. You can ignore sectors (houses) whose influence you do not want in the area.
Important: When re-arranging sectors, set them up in a way that ensures an optimal internal flow of energies. Avoid chaotic setups. If you are not completely sure about the optimal choice of your set up, consult with one of our professionals. This is well worth the investment!
c) Astro-Boost these areas by establishing linkage to them.
(1) With direct transfer disks or diagrams.
(2) With the help of a computer program. You can find instructions in the manual that comes with the manifestation program.

Free Test!  Now you can test ADM and custom-design any astrological energy of your choosing.

The following applications of this extremely useful and powerful new technology are based on personal experiences of many proud owners of Chi Generators®, ADM technology and Manifestation Programs.

Click below on the links of your choice for more information.  Naturally, there are infinite many more uses, many of which you certainly will find and explore.

Optimize Water, Drinks and Food.Water enhancement: optimize water, charge it with chi energy and with the astrological energy of your choice
Enhance the power of Herbs, Vitamins and Supplements, Cosmetics, etc. with Life Force
Enhance Plant Growth and Quality of Produce with Life Force: Agriculture, gardening, house plants, lawn care, sprouting, etc.
EMF Pollution (electrosmog), DOR (deadly orgone energy), and Geopathic Stress Zones
Pet care, reaction of pets to Chi energy, Chi Generators® to enhance aquariums
You can put yourself into any brain wave state that you choose to achieve an abundance of energy, to experience a general well-being, and for physical and emotional balance
Chi Energy to Boost Sports Performance, to have an edge in sports competition, to influence individual sports competitors, for body building, martial arts, etc.
Chi Energy for Fitness, Workout and Weight Control
Chi Energy for Success Strategies in Profession, Business and Money, financial planning, career, and employment
Applications of ADM technology for business, office, management, to help affiliates and employees, for customer support, public relations, to establish methods that cause business to be more effective, for business consulting and general manifestation of success
ADM technology for success in politics, people skills and to develop and project leadership
Using the Chi Generator® for Success in Legal Matters
Using ADM technology to boost popularity, charisma and personal power of persuasion, self confidence and convincing speech
ADM technology as a means to boost love relations and friendships, attract friends and soul mates, and to cause relationships to break up
Using the ADM technology for Family and Children
Chi Generators® and ADM technology for protection against attacks of any kind and for clearings of attachments
ADM technology in your house and directed towards yourself to boost intellectual, intuitive and creative skills
Chi Energy technology to boost psychic skills, meditation, esp, remote viewing, etc.
How to boost gambling skills, stock market, betting

Using the Chi Generator® and ADM technology to increase the success of advertising and marketing. Using the Chi Generator® in your practice of NLP.

Chi Energy and ADM technology for Success Strategies in gaming, playing games, on line, in clubs and in private situations
Relocation Horoscopes and astro-carto-graphy are things of the past - obsolete!
Phone: +1 770 783 0563
How ADM works: science of Life Energy and astrology

What ADM can do for You: Examples, Applications

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